Party Packages and Deals in Telford, Shropshire, Shrewsbury and More

Below find some of our excellent package deals - were open to deals on a mixture of any our inflatables so it's not a case of just the ones listed below. Contact us with a list of what youd like from the website and we'll strike a personalised deal for you!!

If you're not sure what to order for your event, take advantage of the great deals and discounts that we offer! We're your Telford, Shropshire, Shrewsbury and West Midlands party experts, with hot tubs, bouncy castles and a whole lot more available, and we're willing to offer deals for multi-item orders.

So if you want to enjoy the most party entertainment at the lowest price, then these party packages and multi-item deals could be just what you want. This must be one of the cheapest ways to rent inflatables in Telford and Shropshire - we're proud to be able to offer such affordable party rental options to events of all varieties.

Event Entertainment Experts

Whatever you decide to rent from us, you'll love what you receive! Expect clean, properly-maintained products that hit the highest possible standards, despite our low prices and great discounts. Our friendly staff deliver all of your chosen party supplies directly to you, set them up for you, and inflate them properly. We have all the knowledge you could need about all of our products, and we will anchor them safety and give you all proper usage instructions before we leave.

We're delivering our party and event equipment to Telford, Shropshire, Shrewsbury, Newport and other West Midlands areas. We have been working in the Midlands party rental industry for a long time, so if you need help and advice about party venues in the region, if you'd like to know good places to host an event, or if you'd like any more local party sector knowledge, speak with our team for more information.

If you have any questions about our package deals, or any of our products or services, please feel free to contact us! Alternatively, make a booking through our website; select a party package to begin.

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Party Red and Blue

Fete Package

From £450.00


Red And Blue Package

Slide and Castle

From £250.00


Purp And Blue Package

Slide and Castle

From £250.00


3d Unicorn Package

with Soft Play

From £250.00


3D Dino Package

with Soft Play

From £250.00


Dinosaur 3D Supreme


From £200.00


Jungle Package


From £200.00


Pink Party Package


From £200.00


Blue Party Package


From £200.00


31ft Obstacle Course


From £200.00


Unicorn Supreme


From £190.00


Party Package 2


From £190.00


Party Package 3


From £190.00


Pink Party Package


From £190.00


Combi Package 1


From £180.00


Party Package 4


From £180.00


Jungle Package 2


From £180.00


Dinosaur 3d Package


From £180.00


Unicorn 3D Package


From £180.00


3d Unicorn Package


From £180.00


3D Dino Package


From £180.00


Pink Package


From £180.00


Low Height

Soft Play Package

From £170.00


Pink Soft Play


From £160.00


Soft Play


From £160.00


Football Package 2


From £140.00


Bose Speaker & Lights

With Stands

From £120.00


Castle & Didi Track


Contact For Price


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